Northwood Double Table (Front to Back) CNC Machining Centers

Two (2) 5ft x 12ft Worktables with Accessibility
Twin Worktable with Spindle and 9-line Drill Unit

A true work horse of manufacturing, the twin table configuration is designed for high volume manufacturing environments. A machine with this configuration eliminates the load time by alternating its machining process from left table to right table and back to left table in a continuous cycle. Sometimes referred to as pendulum style operation, it is the most efficient method of cutting parts and getting the most out of your investment into CNC technology. In addition, the dual head configuration allows the machine to produce double the parts in one cycle. Northwood can provide fixed, adjustable, and even servo controlled head spacing. We’ll help you get the production of two of our competitors machines with one Northwood. A gap between the worktables allows easy access for loading and unloading while the adjacent worktable is being machined. Northwood offers these with single spindle options or advanced dual-processing with twin tooling plates and independent X and Z axes.

Northwood Double table (Front to Back) Industries

Wood – Northwood has a long history of providing equipment to the wood industry including furniture (solid wood and upholstered), custom windows and doors, cabinets, exhibits and store fixtures, and many other types of wood projects.

Aerospace – The accuracy and precision of Northwood CNC Machining Centers has surpassed the needs of many aerospace companies. Northwood has provided years of reliable service to suppliers in the commercial aviation, business class, and private jet aircraft manufacturers.

Energy and Defense – In the Wind Energy Manufacturing industry, Northwood has designed custom products that serve in hi-end manufacturing environments

Transportation – Northwood serves the Transportation industry in various ways. Companies in the automotive, marine, railway and recreational vehicle (RV) industries use Northwood Machining Centers to process parts that are critical to their manufacturing process.

Other Industries – Northwood has sold CNC Machining Centers to many other industries. Northwood doesn’t just build CNC Machining Centers that are made for only one application, but instead building a solid modular machining center that can accommodate many different tooling configurations.