The Northwood 5-Axis CNC Moving Table Machining Centers can feature a range of different spindle offerings of up to 40HP. For larger work envelopes – Z axes travel can accommodate up to 72″ (1829mm). Northwood offers this machining center with optional linear encoders on all axes. Linear encoders provide direct feedback to the advanced Fanuc CNC to increase accuracy and repeatability of the machine and ensure longevity.

The HD series or Heavy Duty series Z-Axis Ram features a dual-counterbalance system that neutralizes the mass and load experienced at the ballscrew. Using the 310i-B5 Fanuc CNC, Northwood Machining Centers feature full 5-Axis Simultaneous motion.
For a listing of standard features on all Northwood CNC Machining Centers, visit our Northwood Product Technologies.
Northwood 5-Axis CNC Single Table Industries
Wood – Northwood has a long history of providing equipment to the wood industry including furniture (solid wood and upholstered), custom windows and doors, cabinets, exhibits and store fixtures, and many other types of wood projects.
Aerospace – The accuracy and precision of Northwood CNC Machining Centers has surpassed the needs of many aerospace companies. Northwood has provided years of reliable service to suppliers in the commercial aviation, business class, and private jet aircraft manufacturers.
Energy and Defense – In the Wind Energy Manufacturing industry, Northwood has designed custom products that serve in hi-end manufacturing environments
Transportation – Northwood serves the Transportation industry in various ways. Companies in the automotive, marine, railway and recreational vehicle (RV) industries use Northwood Machining Centers to process parts that are critical to their manufacturing process.
Other Industries – Northwood has sold CNC Machining Centers to many other industries. Northwood doesn’t just build CNC Machining Centers that are made for only one application, but instead building a solid modular machining center that can accommodate many different tooling configurations.